What causes bloating and what you can do about it is explained below.
You will also find out what other symptoms can occur around ovulation and what options you have for calculating your fertile days if you want to have a baby.
Causes of bloating during ovulation
Shortly before you ovulate, there is an increase in LH and oestrogen levels. These hormonal changes lead to water retention, among other things. Water retention causes bloating in many women.
What can help with bloating?
If you have a lot of bloating during ovulation, it is naturally very unpleasant and often makes everyday life a real pain. Although you have no influence on the natural hormonal fluctuations during your cycle, there are things you can do to counteract the bloating.
Some of the things you can do to help with bloating include 
- Exercise regularly
- Take breaks to relax
- Avoiding foods that cause flatulence
- Eat slowly and in small portions
- Reduce white flour, sugar and salt
- Sufficient fluid intake with sugar-free drinks
- Digestive foods like caraway seeds
Should flatulence be treated by a doctor?
As unpleasant as flatulence is during ovulation, it is usually harmless. Nevertheless, if the symptoms are very severe or persist for a long time, it is advisable to see a gynaecologist.
The gynaecologist can examine you and rule out conditions such as endometriosis and cysts as the cause of the severe bloating during your ovulation.Period Briefs
Other symptoms and signs of ovulation
In addition to severe bloating, you may experience several other symptoms during ovulation. These include increased vaginal discharge and light spotting.
Apart from this, your breasts may be more sensitive than usual and you may feel a greater desire for sex. Other symptoms that may indicate that you are ovulating include mild cramping and an improved sense of touch, sight and smell.
In addition, your basal body temperature and the position of your cervix change during ovulation. Both can help you to notice your ovulation and thus your fertile days.
When can you become pregnant?
After ovulation, fertilisation of the egg is possible for about 12 to 24 hours. However, this does not mean that your fertile days are actually limited to the one day directly after ovulation.
Since the sperm of the man are viable in the female body for a few days, successful fertilisation is also possible with unprotected sexual intercourse that took place a little before ovulation.
Calculating the cycle and fertile days
Ovulation takes place about 14 days before your next menstruation. If your cycle is a little shorter or longer, it may happen a little earlier or later before your period starts.
If you would like to get pregnant and want to calculate your fertile days, it is helpful to keep a cycle calendar.
As the length of your cycle can vary for different reasons, you will need to keep a record of your cycle for several months to calculate your fertile days.
How do you announce your fertile days?
Besides calculating your cycle, or ovulation, watching for certain signs of ovulation can help you determine your fertile days.
You can do this by taking and recording your basal body temperature regularly and learning how to palpate your cervix correctly. You can also look out for increased vaginal discharge or light spotting.
Period underwear for discharge and spotting
If you experience increased vaginal discharge and spotting during ovulation, you may want to wear period pants. For example, our Weekiss Brazilian, which has an absorbency of up to 1.5 tampons, is ideal for protection against light bleeding and discharge.
Determining fertile days with an ovulation test
An ovulation test is another option you can use to find out when you are fertile. The ovulation test measures the level of luteinising hormone.
The LH level rises before ovulation. An ovulation test carried out at the right time can therefore help you to determine when the chances of successful fertilisation are particularly high.
Can you get pregnant when you are on your period?
The chances of you getting pregnant through unprotected sex during your period are relatively low. However, depending on the length of your cycle, pregnancy is theoretically possible.
If you don't want to have a baby at the moment, you should therefore use contraception even during your period.
Why can't I get pregnant?
If you don't get pregnant despite wanting a child and calculating your fertile days, there can be a number of reasons. Factors that can affect your fertility include being overweight or underweight, stress and an unhealthy diet.
Apart from this, the likelihood of pregnancy naturally decreases as you get older. Keep in mind that if you have been unable to conceive during your fertile days for a long time, the problem may also lie with your partner.